Mindfulness Meets Real Life — Giving Back

Mind Makeover Series #2- DE-CLUTTER

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Mind Makeover Series #2- DE-CLUTTER

"Less is the new more" So, the Mind Makeover series continues. This week I want to talk about clutter- or more importantly: De-Cluttering True Story: Back in 1988, I worked in Manhattan- and had first heard about Feng Shui (pronounced: Fung Shway) through a couple of colleagues. As someone who is intrigued about all things energy (yes, even back then); I learned as much as I could about this ancient concept. Just imagine doing research in a world before "Mr Google" or the interwebs... Anyway, I loved the concept of creating energy in a room and how that energy affects our lives. It's...

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What's YOUR Secret Dream? (I'll tell you mine)

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What's YOUR Secret Dream?  (I'll tell you mine)

“Celebrate your own special spirit,
fly on the wings of your secret dreams”
                                               ~Laurel Burch                                                                                                                       
We all have secrets. 💕                                                                                                  
Secret dreams, wishes and desires that we keep close to our hearts.
We dare not speak them, afraid to give them wings that will carry them off- never to be seen again.
We dare not speak them so they stay close to us; and safe in a comfortable cocoon.
We dare not share them, so they stay imaginary and free from judgment.
As you read this, think about your own secret dream

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Change is in the Air!

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Change is in the Air!

Change is in the Air!🎁
This is a year like no other🎉
In some ways, this year has brought us to our knees; and gotten us to see what is truly important in our lives.
We've really been shown the core of what we desire and what we will no longer tolerate.
As I contemplate the New Year and what 2021 will bring- I've come to an interesting conclusion-

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BEST Gift Ideas Under $50

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BEST Gift Ideas Under $50

Best Gift ideas under $50

Holiday Shopping made easy. Look no further!

We have the solution for you- Gifts with meaning and purpose for that hard to buy for person. All come with a card explaining the energy properties.  

These gifts will be cherished!  

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These ARE The Days

AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Motivation Newsletter Shop News

These ARE The Days

Contemplating these times and I keep hearing the words "These are the days" ....what that means for me is to be present with all of the feelings and emotions that are surfacing. Not getting caught in them; but allowing each to express.
Through writing, music, walking, nature- those are some of the outlets for me.

Yet there's more: I am feeling for everyone who is experiencing challenges in their lives right now.
"These are the days" reminds me to focus on all the things I appreciate and am grateful for.  

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