“She wasn't where she had been.
She wasn't where she was going,
but she was on her way.”
You know you're ready for a change.
But …
You don't want to take the risks necessary for change,
because you're afraid of what you'll lose.
Or maybe you love your comfort zone and don't want to step beyond it.
Perhaps you're afraid to take action,
because taking a risk might result in failure, embarrassment, rejection or loss.
I get it! I really do.
But I also know how fulfilling it is to access your courage, take healthy risks, and experience the rewards.
And that’s why I wanted to tell you about my new group program,
6 Weeks to Optimal Wellness
Taking Chances to Change Your Life!
Click HERE to learn more
keep reading
In this group coaching, we're doing to do some uncovering about your unconscious beliefs and learn how to re-train your brain to create new and healthier patterns!
Curious about what it involves?
Here's a brief overview:
✔Week 1: Clarity and Focus (includes powerful visioning)
✔Week 2: Going Within- (journaling, awareness, releasing limiting behaviors)
✔Week 3: Creating Sacred Space (clearing out clutter)
✔Week 4: Divine Dining (Mindful Eating transform eating habits)
✔Week 5: Dare to Dream Trust Yourself (Intuition), be aware of your boundaries and take back your power
✔Week 6: Living from the Heart! Gain mastery and confidence AND learn authentic living from a calm and peaceful center
If you're curious about this new class, send me a message and I'll send you all the deets! (early bird pricing available)
Happening in Mid March (just a few weeks); these classes will be offered Virtually (until we're all ready to meet in person)
I'm super excited to offer this class as it feature some of my best Transformational Teachings!!
The bottom line: when you take the right risks, you step out of your comfort zone and into your full potential, success, and fulfillment.
Not everyone is ready for the 1:1 coaching-
and some do better in a group setting.
Studies have shown that when you get support of other like-minded folks; cheering each other on- it helps to bring about lasting changes!
Simply click HERE to see all the deets!
(including early bird pricing)
Don't wait any longer!
The time is NOW
Or as a recent client says:
"Catherine’s a life changing life saver y’all -
life is short- get happy !" ~A B
~ cathie