Mindfulness Meets Real Life — Services

The "A B C's of Life

AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back INSPIRATIONS life coaching NEWSLETTER Services Shop News

The "A B C's of Life

What is your highest vision of the world? Do you see a peaceful world; where all souls interact with kindness, compassion and respect?                                                              Now, what is your highest vision for your life? Are you living it?                                                                     ...

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The Awakening is HERE! 3 Ways to Awaken to Your JOY!


The Awakening is HERE! 3 Ways to Awaken to Your JOY!

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of   conversation.”  ~Plato AWAKEN TO YOUR JOY What is your definition of play and how often do you do it? Sometimes when the heart feels heavy, we can’t connect with that which brings us joy- but when we are able to manage a tiny opening into the depths of a closed heart, the light that gets into that opening helps to widen it further. How can you rediscover your sense of joy? When was the last time you laughed a deep and hearty...

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Dust Off Your Dreams~ Re-Connect With Your Heart's Desires

Giving Back GRATITUDE INSPIRATIONS life coaching NEWSLETTER Services Shop News

Dust Off Your Dreams~ Re-Connect With Your Heart's Desires

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”  ~Albert Einstein Dust off your Dreams! What would your life be like if you were to allow yourself to bring up some of  your old  dreams, dust them off and let them tickle you again?  How would it feel if you could tap back into your intuitive mind and remember what it feels like to live from your heart? We have all heard that we have the answers within, but how...

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Time Management Tools~ Notes From Coach Catherine


Time Management Tools~ Notes From Coach Catherine

             “Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.”                                                                     ~Charles Dickens                                               So many people just want to live simpler, more peaceful lives.  They are no longer fulfilled by empty consumerism.  They want to live naturally and feel the...

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Why I Do what I DO!

Giving Back GRATITUDE INSPIRATIONS life coaching Services

Why I Do what I DO!

One of the best things about Life Coaching is that I get to work with some amazing people! What inspires me most is when people make an investment to work with me; something switches on for them and they are completely committed to making whatever changes are needed. Usually, within the first week, there is a dramatic difference. And, know this: It's not me. It's them. The job of the Life Coach is not to tell the client what to do; but it is to ask the right questions so they can access the answers themselves. My clients will always...

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