Mindfulness Meets Real Life — Services

Make Food Your Friend: Create a Happy and Healthy Relationship with Food...For Good!

Divine Dining INSPIRATIONS life coaching PRODUCTS Services Shop News

Make Food Your Friend: Create a Happy and Healthy Relationship with Food...For Good!

Divine Dining~ Conscious Eating Program Are you ready to transform the way you eat? Are you ready to try something radically different? Are you ready to release your struggles with food?  You are invited to step into a wonderful relationship with food; and learn how to make healthy and positive choices....read on....  Early on in my career, I was immersed in the study of consciousness and how to train the mind.  People would approach me and ask me to guide them in using Mindfulness as a tool; especially when it comes to food. Thus, I created Divine Dining in 2008...

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Peace Within is Peace Without~ How to Maintain Peacefulness


Peace Within is Peace Without~ How to Maintain Peacefulness

PEACE Peace within is peace without.  Peace is a state of mind and being.  When you are centered and peaceful, it radiates out from your heart center to those around you.  No matter what frenzy is going on, you will have the ability to stay rooted ~this is what we strive for.  No matter how challenging the situation is, we stay focused and steady.  The place of peace is available to those who are ready to tap into it.  We only need to remember...The seeds of peace have been planted by the Divine...it is up to us to sow them....

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We Are Spirits in the Material World~ and One Way to Move Beyond Self-Imposed Limits!


We Are Spirits in the Material World~ and One Way to Move Beyond Self-Imposed Limits!

"Don't feed the limits of your mind- instead, nourish the calling of your soul."  ~cathie    Powerful energies in the Universe right now, are showing us where we are not aligned with the highest truth.  This is reflected in both our inner world and our outer worlds. Personally, I am feeling the pull to live my deepest truth and that involves really digging deep into my soul wants and needs. Recently, my soul called me to attend the Energy Psychology Conference, and I'm still integrating all of the things I learned.  There were 5 speakers~ all teachers of various modalities;...

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How to live to your full potential (and the one question that made a grown man cry)

INSPIRATIONS life coaching NEWSLETTER Services Shop News

How to live to your full potential (and the one question that made a grown man cry)

It has been said that we are born with our work in our hearts. And, the way we uncover that work is to follow what makes our heart "sing with joy."                                                 How do we do that when we live in such a busy and noisy world?                                                            ...

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October 2016- News and Upcoming Events


October 2016- News and Upcoming Events

“Always remain larger than what is happening around you.” ~Solara   TRANQUILITY AND FORGIVENESS What does it really mean to remain larger than what is happening during these energetically powerful times?  To me it means, "in order to keep your shoes clean- stay out of the muck." A simple concept and not so simple at the same time.  What this means to me is to stay in the practice of viewing life from an expanded perspective and not getting sucked in to drama. This practice is ongoing as we tend to forget that we are so much more than the insignificant...

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