Time Management Tools~ Notes From Coach Catherine


             “Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.”                                                                     ~Charles Dickens                                              

So many people just want to live simpler, more peaceful lives.  They are no longer fulfilled by empty consumerism.  They want to live naturally and feel the pull back into simple things.  We know that life isn’t about satisfying the ego and having more.  

 When you set your intention to align with your higher purpose, things seem to fall in to place.  Sometimes, we get swept up on the current of forward movement without the time to engage the mind.  When you remain in the space of your heart and know that the swirling chaos that is going on around you is external- you can begin to let go of the attachments.  Begin to drop your thought patterns and this is where you can begin to refine what it is that you seek.  By refining the things in your life that no longer fit, you can be sure that deep cleansing is on hand.  This is sometimes uncomfortable as we go through the void, but it can be very freeing. 

 Simply put, take a look at what isn’t working in your life.  If you are unhappy in a job, relationship or other situation, it is time to re-evaluate.  Letting go of anything that is not true to your heart can be difficult, and may not make any rational sense.    Much as we are releasing aspects of ourselves that no longer fit, we are asked to do the same in our external world.  Purging of old patterning, like not speaking our truth is a beautiful thing.  Purging of outworn clothing and belongings is a very cathartic process.  Continuing with this same process, we turn to our outer world. 


 How to Manage time 

Name 3 things that you have been putting off doing?  Maybe it is returning a phone call, cleaning off the dining room table, starting a new exercise program….whatever it is, plan on taking action TODAY.  Then, take note of how you feel after each one is accomplished. 

 ~Write down 3 things that you need to take care of.

~For each one, plan how you will do it, when it will be done, and the steps you will take. (sometimes you don't need to know the "How"~ but it's about taking the very next step)

~Feel how you will feel once it is done.  

 Now is the time to open to the next phase of your life.  Where do you wish to go from here?  Can you listen more closely to your heart and heed the call?

Narrow your focus into what you wish to create- and how you will feel once you have what you wish for.  Live your life from the sense of peace that you will feel and instill that feeling into your being.  Instead of comparing your life to others, can you relax into your own being in this moment? 

How often do you play? 

There is much fear vibration out in the world today- and so much is happening on many levels.  It is imperative for you to release yourself from the mindset of the masses and heed the call of your inner wisdom.

I leave you with this question: Where you are investing the majority of your time and money? 


Thank you for taking the time to read this- part of a series that will help you make changes in your life!

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All Love, All Ways~  cathie


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  • Cathie on

    Glad you like the post, Kathleen! Let me know the tools and exercises work out for you! You can slay
    the procrastination dragon!

  • Kathleen Bart on

    Thank you for another awesome post, Cathy. Great tools and exercises. I plan to work on them this afternoon. Unless I procrastinate!

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