Mindfulness Meets Real Life — Gratitude
September 2016- News and Upcoming Events
SEPTEMBER 2016 Newsletter "A great silent space holds all of nature in its embrace. It also holds you." -Eckhart Tolle GREETINGS DEAR FRIENDS: Welcome to September!~ Wow! This year is flying by! What I LOVE most about this time of year is the New beginnings and a new way to focus on what we want! I don't know about you but, time sure has a way of speeding up and wreaking havoc on our perceptions. There doesn't seem to be enough time to get things done that need to be done, and the lesson is this:...
Live More Fully From Your Heart! Make Decisions Easily
We all know by now that putting your love and intention behind your choices brings you better results in what you wish to create. This month, as the energies continue to intensify, I am reminded to stay true to my intention of manifesting JOY. This means being aware of thoughts, emotions and letting yourself be in total flow with all that is going on around you. It also means dropping judgment of people and situations and allowing them to just be. We, as humans, seek to label the experience- ie: the traffic is bad, that person is mean, this is the greatest/worst thing that has ever happened -but when we just allow it to be, as simply the witness, our perspective changes. Removing judgment allows us to remain in our center and thus be more in balance.
10 Steps to Make Peace With Your Past
GRATITUDE INSPIRATIONS life coaching Shop News
10 STEPS TO MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR PAST “Forgiveness means giving up all hope of a better past.” ~Lily Tomlin How many of us spend our days thinking about the things that might have been? Things we could have done differently? People we should have let go of, or people we should have held on to? We all have regrets, and we all tell ourselves "should’ve," "would’ve," and "could’ve." Let’s be honest here. None of us wants to be the oppressor of our own lives, but in truth, that is exactly what happens. We self-sabotage, we denigrate ourselves,...
How to Celebrate New Beginnings!
The Rite of Passage Necklace was originally created- when a customer wanted to give her daughter something to celebrate her "becoming a woman." Her request was a simple necklace with Moonstone so that she could mark this event (a rite of passage). Since I loved the simplicity, I made a few more for my retail shop. Funny how things turn out though; these little gems sold out immediately! This necklace has become something of a harbinger and celebration of New Beginnings. It has fast become one of our best selling pieces as grown women are purchasing it for themselves. Whether it...
Don't be like Sisyphus~ Here are 5 Ways to Get Into FLOW
AFFIRMATIONS GRATITUDE INSPIRATIONS life coaching MEDITATION Newsletter PRODUCTS Purchase with a Purpose Services Shop News
Ever have one of those days, weeks or even months where things just aren't running right? Too much to do, too little time. Not focused on the things you do want; barely the energy to do the things you need.
You feel like you are spending your days just getting stuff done; but not spending the quality time doing what you want. Too much to do; not enough time to get it done.
Balance is sometimes over-rated; we just need to be able to take a step back and re-focus our energies before moving forward.
What if I told you that it's possible to get off the treadmill of never-ending activity- and take back control of your life?