How the Story of Your Life Can Influence Your Future


 When people come to me for life coaching; they are ready to make profound and meaningful changes in their life. They know they are not satisfied or fulfilled; but aren't always sure of what to do next.

What they do know is that they are fully committed and willing to do the deep work that is required to live to their highest potential.
Here's an exercise that I do with some of my clients~  It can be very emotional but also wonderful for your self-discovery, and of course for your impact on others.
Reflect back on your life story and the major shaping events of your life. How did and will they shape your destiny?
- Take a piece of paper and draw 2 columns
- Identify the Main Defining Moments in the left hand column. What were 
a) your major life transitions? 
b) your most difficult experiences? 
c) the relationships or people that influenced you the most. These deeply shaped who you are and tough circumstances that transformed you are particularly likely to produce life messages.
-Discover Life Messages from Events: take each experience in turn, reflect and journal on it using these questions: 
a) How did this experience shape who I am? 
b) How am I a different person because I went through it? 
c) What is the message this experience built into me for others?
d) Where am I drawn to others, qualified to speak to them, and have a deep impact because of this experience?
If you are curious about how working with a Life Coach can deepen your understanding and help get you un-stuck; so you can re-claim the life that you were meant to live...
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