Mindfulness Meets Real Life — Gratitude
Your Mother Will LOVE this! Nifty Gift Ideas For Under $25
It's that time of year again!
All the flowers are in bloom and we take a pause out of our busy lives to celebrate MOM~ The role of Mother comes in many forms and sometimes it's all about how we treat ourselves.
Love and Compassion are the hallmarks of motherhood. Isn't it time you Mother Yourself?
Wondering what unique and meaningful gift to get MOM or that special lady in your life?
Spring Has Sprung? April 2018
Giving Back Gratitude INSPIRATIONS life coaching MEDITATION Newsletter PRODUCTS
If you've been hearing the call to get clear on your life, and to find clarity, direction and focus.... read on...
With outer distractions vying for our attention- it is increasingly more important to place our focus on our inner world. It is interesting to hear the reasons why we don’t have the time to meditate- and even though we know the benefits, it can be tough to carve out time for ourselves.
Align and Refine
AFFIRMATIONS Gratitude INSPIRATIONS life coaching MEDITATION Newsletter Services Shop News
So many people just want to live simpler, more peaceful lives. They are no longer fulfilled by empty consumerism. They want to live naturally and feel the pull back into simple things. We know that life isn’t about satisfying the ego and having more.
February 2018~ It's the Season of LOVE!
AFFIRMATIONS Gratitude INSPIRATIONS life coaching Newsletter PRODUCTS Shop News
3 Easy Steps for Mindful Eating~ The Divine Dining Method
Divine Dining Gratitude INSPIRATIONS life coaching MEDITATION Newsletter PRODUCTS Services Shop News The Divine Dining Method
How often do you listen to your body? Do you consistently make food choices that are not aligned with your intentions of living a more healthy lifestyle?
I’ll admit, that I’ve struggled with food issues for most of my life. I’ve always used food as a reward to make myself feel better. But, like most behaviors that are not physically or emotionally healthy- I knew something needed to change.
As the founder of the Living Lotus Group and a Transformational Life Coach who helps people to align with the life they want, I studied various ways of personal development. One of the recurring themes with the clients I worked with was always about people not living in alignment with their thinking and their behavior. What this means is that people who say they want to eat more healthy foods, yet .
I created the Divine Dining Method back in 2008 and began teaching workshops to help people who struggle with food issues to learn conscious and mindful ways to eat- so they learn to have a healthier attitude toward eating.