Welcome to SEPTEMBER 2022!
I LOVE September!
I've always loved this time of year-
maybe it's the excitement of the back to school vibes,
or the weather shifts into cooler temps
(I do love "sweata weatha")- 🍂🍁
BUT you know the best part ?
It always feels like a chance to re-set my energy and to re-align with what I want for the remainder of the year.
For me, it's a chance to Return to Center, where I take stock of what is truly important to me, clear out what no longer serves and get clear on what I want to manifest.
We all know how time is flying by and before we know it; it's December.
Let me ask you:
✔What do you want to create this year?
✔What do you need to support you?
✔What do need to release?
✔What do you want to bring in?
✔Who do you want to BE?
.As you think about your answers,
be honest with yourself.(and gentle and compassionate too)
If your answers are telling you that you want to make some deep, lasting changes- stay with me.
I'll be running a 6 week Virtual Program called: Return to Center; designed to help you to journey back to yourself and consciously create a life filled with ease, joy and peace.
If you're interested, and curious to know more; text 516 759 1217 for more deets.
In the meantime; I hope you ride the waves of life; the ups and downs and the in-betweens- with grace and ease-
may you return to Center!
Wishing you a magical Month filled with
love, peace, and joy.
Extra prayers for World Peace.
PS: Not ready for coaching yet? You can still begin the journey-Grab your f r e e Guide HERE