My Holiday Wish

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"I asked for strength and
God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom and
God gave me problems to learn to solve.
I asked for prosperity and
God gave me a brain and brawn to work.
I asked for courage and
God gave me dangers to overcome.
I asked for love and
God gave me people to help.
I asked for favours and
God gave me opportunities.
I received nothing I wanted.
I received everything I needed."
— Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist
December 2024!
It's my Birthday Month and I'm celebrating.
Celebrating you and for being able to do the work I do to help people to improve their lives through conscious living, mindfulness and peacefulness.
Another year, another trip around the sun.
It's never been more apparent to me that we are here on this earth to help each other.
We're here to shine the light in the dark,
show up for ourselves,
stand up for others less fortunate,
and to help lead the way in service to humanity.
What I mean by this is to simply tend to your own heart.
Be authentically you.
Be soft with yourself.
These past few years have taught us about being present (to ourselves and others); and being in integrity (with ourselves and others.)
This holiday season, is like no other- and it's up to us to limit our consumerism (especially to big chain stores)... and if you do shop for gifts; keep it local- okay?
We don’t need to fill our lives with more “To-Do” lists
Here is my suggestions for a “TO BE” list….
✔Own your power
✔Know you are the master of your creations
✔Your relationship to self is the most important one
✔Know that you are always protected
✔Take time for yourself everyday
✔Lovingly parent your inner child
✔Know that we are all ONE
✔Practice non-attachment
✔Simplify your life
✔Every interaction is an opportunity to heal
✔Practice Forgiveness
✔Look for the positive in all situations
✔Be aware of the Divinity within
✔Practice Peace in all areas of your life
✔Become a Spiritual Warrior
✔Live with Integrity
✔Be humble
✔Have a Gentle Heart
✔Be non-reactive
✔Live consciously
✔Be the embodiment of Spirit On Earth
Keep shining your light and to be the guide for others.
And, for anyone who is going through a challenging time right now, I'm sending an extra dose of
love and energy directly to your heart.
Have a great month filled with
Power, Peace, Presence and Purpose!

 PSS: Thank you all who have ordered my book! I'm asking again, if you haven't yet ordered it- please order (either kindle or paperback) and kindly leave a review!

Walk with Power, Peace, Presence and Purpose:



Now available at Amazon!

Order your copy HERE


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