“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.
t will not lead you astray.”
- Rumi.
Guess what I did last week?
I took a vacation- (gasp!)
a real one....
Jumped in the car and headed north.
Drove to see family in CT, then headed west to spend time in Upstate NY
Why is this earth shattering news? (you might ask)
Because it's the first time, in a very long time,
I actually disconnected for an entire week.
As I've shared before, this past year and a half has been pretty intense
for me and my family.-
Well, now that chaper is coming to a close and it's pretty exciting to have my energy freed up so I can focus on what's most important.
And that is:
Serving YOU!
Helping others is my life's work and although I LOVE what I do, it's also important to take a break, change the scenery, kick back
and relax.
I do hope you find this as a sign to take a rest in your own life.
You don't have to go anywhere fancy-
just commit to putting the routine aside and break away from the same ol' same ol'.
Try it for yourself!
Now that I'm back-
I've put the finishing touches on the upcoming "RETURN TO CENTER"
6 Week virtual program-
Here is what we will do inside this program:
Week 1) Powerful Visioning exercise (getting clear/meet your future self)
Week 2) Going Within (busting limiting beliefs)
Week 3) Sacred Space (clearing clutter for a healthier environment)
Week 4) Mindful Eating (aka Divine Dining Method)
Week 5) Healthy Boundaries (Creating and enforcing healthy boundaries to deal with toxic relationships)
Week 6) Living from the Heart (Return to your Center/your natural state of JOY)
PLUS! You'll come away with the tools to help you RETURN TO CENTER- amid all of what this life throws at us!
Get results like:
✔turn off those negative inner voices
✔have better boundaries,
✔more confidence
✔trust your intuition and
✔live more consciously
Can't wait to support you and let's get un-stuck!
Place your hand on your heart and feel if this program is right for you!
In the meantime., leave a comment with any questions.
Have a great week filled with LOVE, PEACE, JOY
PS: Not quite ready, but want to start with the basics? Grab your f r e e Guide HERE