“ The doors to the world of the wild self are few but precious.
If you have a deep scar, that is a door.
If you have an old,old story, that is a door.
If you love the Sky and water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door.
If you yearn for a deeper life,a full life,a sane life,that is a door”
~Clarissa Pinkola Estes.
She re-connected with her compassionate self!
"Who?" You ask...
Quick story:
Last week, I was asked to lead meditation and play the Singing Bowls
for a group of seniors at an assisted living facility.
These people were vibrant, funny as hell, and proud
of their age (many in their late 80's and 90's)
As it (meditation) was a new experience for many of the residents;
there were only about 20 people in attendance.
At the end, I always bring people out of meditation
slowly- and then I open to questions and comments.
Going around the room, there were many who shared that they
felt calmer, more relaxed- peaceful....
and then one woman stood up and spoke clearly.
She was choked up and fighting back tears as she said:
"I found my compassionate self"
The others near her; all patted her shoulders and told her it was okay-
and she went on to say, "Today is my 87th birthday and this was the best present ever!"
Wow- I don't know who was more touched than I - in that moment.
Suddenly, the schlepping of the bowls, the 1 hour drive; unloading, setting up....all of the things that are involved- melted away and I was reminded
that "this is my dharma"
To be of service, to bring joy, to help people re-connect with themselves.
Going deeper, it brought up an awareness of the aging process.
I don't know about you, but I want to LIVE LIFE FULLY
and enjoy each and every moment.
This week, start by re-connecting with your
compassionate self.
Let's all become Conscious Creators
What do you want to create?
Have a great week filled with LOVE, PEACE, JOY