Like many of you, I have many different things vying for my attention during the waking hours! Too many people, phones, and shiny things all trying to entice me.
It's quite the conundrum that modern technology makes our lives simpler and more complicated at the same time! OY!
How can we weed out the distractions and actually accomplish the things that are important?
If you want to know how to stay focused in this crazy, busy world; and actually get stuff done, then read on. One thing you might not know about me is that I'm all for Simple and EASY!
So: Here is a simple technique that I teach to my students and what I practice myself.
I call it the "22-12 Technique"
Let's say I have a project to do; and I'm on a deadline. I know in advance what I'm going to do, and prepare everything at the computer table where I work.
Then, I set the kitchen time to 22 minutes. I focus only on the project at hand, I don't go onto Facebook or check emails. When the timer goes off, I get up and set the timer again - this time for 12 minutes. It is my time for stretching, to re-focus my eyes, to run around the house type of break. Sometimes, I clean a section of the room, or run upstairs.
I'm always amazed at how focused I can be when I practice this technique. Truth be told; sometimes I keep working with the timer going off in the background. And, sometimes~ I cut my break short to keep working. Like when I get up and walk away~then suddenly I'm sparked with an amazing idea that I just have to get down on paper.
As I tell people, it really isn't about the length of time per-se; there is something about being on a timer that keeps me accountable and more focused. More than anything, it's a mental game that I play with myself.
All in all, life is meant to be fun and I'm all for anything that can help us to be more productive without stressing us out is a win-win.
Here's what I suggest: Try it on something that you've been procrastinating on; say a project that you've been dreading. Just say to yourself that you will start for 22 minutes. Set the timer- then go to it. When the time is up- get up and re-set it for 12 minutes and take a break. Drink some water, touch your toes, step outside and take some deep breaths. Whatever you do- keep it light, keep it fun.
I'm always surprised at how much I can get done with this level of focus. I find it mentally stimulating and sometimes challenging. But, it does work for me and for others I've suggested it to.
Last month, I wrote about how the energy of undone chores can keep you stuck~ (READ IT HERE). I find the 22-12 Technique is an easy way to plow through that list of undone chores and a great way to reclaim your energy!
TRY IT~ And let us know how it works for you; share your comments below!
My clients LOVE this!
Lots of LOVE, cathie
So grateful to receive this recent comment on my twitter post: “Hi cathie ~. Your 22/12 method got my household chores done this morning. Thanks? ! I also just read your previous article and will be making my list of 3 tomorrow night. Thank you ❤️!”