Mindfulness Meets Real Life — MEDITATION

What is your vision?


What is your vision?


What is your vision for the New Earth? What are you focused on?  Where are your thoughts right now?  Do you believe that it is possible to manifest what we desire- in freedom and in joy?

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10 Ways to Quiet Your Mind


10 Ways to Quiet Your Mind

10 Ways to Quiet Your Mind

Here are some ways to help bring awareness back into the present moment. Having  taught these tips to many clients, we find them to be very helpful to relieve stress, worry, anxiety.  By focusing your awareness back into yourself in a loving and compassionate way; it helps to re-direct your thoughts with gentleness.  From that point, you can move forward and take action, and make decisions from a more loving space.


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You are a Being of Light


You are a Being of Light

When you wake up each morning- before you jump out of bed, or your mind chatter begins…place your hand on your heart and one on your solar plexus. 

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FREE Meditation – Joy


FREE Meditation – Joy

Imagine your heart is beating with the rhythm of the world. That is JOY. Feel with the very depth of your soul, the magic that surrounds your life. That is JOY. Know that you are one with all that is and that connection makes your heart soar.

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Gentle Heart Meditation


Gentle Heart Meditation

Let these words soothe you like a balm upon the soul. Float gently in a sea of love. Feel the waves of truth surround you like a blanket and warm embrace. Draw your attention gently inward and feel the beating of your heart. Let yourself be soothed by the knowledge that all is healed- in this life and in the higher dimensions. Allow this knowledge to permeate your entire being. Relax fully in this state of higher awareness and carry it with you in all of your daily activities.

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