Mindfulness Meets Real Life — life coaching
February 2018~ It's the Season of LOVE!
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3 Easy Steps for Mindful Eating~ The Divine Dining Method
Divine Dining Gratitude INSPIRATIONS life coaching MEDITATION Newsletter PRODUCTS Services Shop News The Divine Dining Method
How often do you listen to your body? Do you consistently make food choices that are not aligned with your intentions of living a more healthy lifestyle?
I’ll admit, that I’ve struggled with food issues for most of my life. I’ve always used food as a reward to make myself feel better. But, like most behaviors that are not physically or emotionally healthy- I knew something needed to change.
As the founder of the Living Lotus Group and a Transformational Life Coach who helps people to align with the life they want, I studied various ways of personal development. One of the recurring themes with the clients I worked with was always about people not living in alignment with their thinking and their behavior. What this means is that people who say they want to eat more healthy foods, yet .
I created the Divine Dining Method back in 2008 and began teaching workshops to help people who struggle with food issues to learn conscious and mindful ways to eat- so they learn to have a healthier attitude toward eating.
7 Easy Steps to Empower You to Live the Life You Desire NOW
AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude INSPIRATIONS life coaching MEDITATION Newsletter Shop News
Most of us dream of living a fulfilled life. We imagine what it would be like to have everything under control; in full command of our day, with a healthy body and in a loving relationship.
In truth; when we want to make changes ~ it requires a deeper understanding of the mechanics of change. In other words; old habits die hard. Sometime our patterning lies so deep that we might not even be aware of the core (where it began).
5 Tips for a Stress Free Holiday Season
Giving Back Gratitude INSPIRATIONS life coaching Newsletter Services
Even in the best of circumstances; the Holiday Season can be a very overwhelming and busy time. It is my intention to help you to navigate the coming weeks so that you can feel the peaceful presence within~ and thus be able to handle all of the outer noise. Here are my 5 Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season! EnJOY! 1) STOP putting pressure on yourself to have the perfect... holiday, tree, outfit, party, gift, dinner party,.... 2) START making your health and well being a priority, mindfully enjoying the holiday foods, getting enough rest, taking time out for...
AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude INSPIRATIONS life coaching Newsletter Services
Take a Pause in the moment and connect with your body...