Mindfulness Meets Real Life — INSPIRATIONS

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone...Your Heart Knows the Way


Get Out of Your Comfort Zone...Your Heart Knows the Way

“My world is brighter because you have shared your light with me.In turn, I share my light with others to help make their world brighter.If we all shine our light together-imagine the possibilities.” Greetings dear friends! Imagine what the world would be like if we all pooled our light together!Shining out brightly for all to behold… It's time to FOLLOW YOUR HEART! What would this world be like?  All the time, I am inspired by souls who continually lead authentic lives and are not afraid to live life from a heart centered place.  Most of us don’t want to show...

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Messages From the Void

Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindfulness Motivation Newsletter Shop News

Messages From the Void

I had plans.... glorious plans...

Then I experienced the cosmic 2x4. That's my term for a course correction in life.

For me, it was a freaky fall, landing on my elbow, bruising a few ribs has set my plans on hold for now.

To be truthful, I've had some  'why me?' moments where I question the higher purpose.  I've questioned what I could have done differently. Yet, the answer I get is "shit happens" and sometimes we don't know the higher purpose.

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HOW to Master Your Energy: 7 Steps For Creating Better Boundaries in Your Life, to Manifest Love, Well-Being, and Abundance.

AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindfulness Motivation Newsletter Services Shop News

HOW to Master Your Energy: 7 Steps For Creating Better Boundaries in Your Life, to Manifest Love, Well-Being, and Abundance.

How's your energy been lately?  Are you feeling like something is ready to burst forward in your life?

Here's the skinny: If you are a sensitive soul (and I KNOW you are)...then, you've been feeling the energy of the larger collective and it might have been presenting you with some challenges.  With all that is happening in the outer world, we can sometimes feel helpless or overwhelmed.  

You know there's something more happening here in the larger perspective; yet it feels that in all the intensity...there is an undercurrent of love.

Can you feel it?

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How to Disconnect From the Outside World and Access the Peace Within

AFFIRMATIONS Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindfulness Motivation New Product Newsletter PRODUCTS Services Shop News

How to Disconnect From the Outside World and Access the Peace Within

Lately I've been speaking with people about how to manage stress or anxiety.  Things seem to have been amped up in the Universe and it's been causing us to look deep within.


For myself, I find it necessary to take a few minutes in the morning to sit quietly~ 

Since the word "meditation" causes more anxiety in people (oh...the irony); I prefer to call it "sitting."

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Take Your Peace With You~ 3 Steps to Access Inner Peace

AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude INSPIRATIONS life coaching MEDITATION Newsletter Services Shop News

Take Your Peace With You~ 3 Steps to Access Inner Peace

At the close of my classes, meditations and workshops; I always end with this salutation~                                                                                                             

 "Take Your Peace With YOU, fill yourself first and share it with the rest of the world...because we need it out there" 

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