Mindfulness Meets Real Life — INSPIRATIONS

Are You Living From Your Heart?

AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindfulness Motivation Newsletter PRODUCTS Shop News

Are You Living From Your Heart?


I've been speaking to so many people lately and in my informal poll about what they are looking for, craving or needing most in their lives... I've finally narrowed down what people want most.                                                                                  
Are you ready for it?
The Number 1 thing that people are looking for most is:

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The Miracle of the Mundane World ~ 3 Ways to Bring JOY Back Into Your Life!

AFFIRMATIONS Divine Dining Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Motivation Newsletter PRODUCTS Services Shop News

The Miracle of the Mundane World ~ 3 Ways to Bring JOY Back Into Your Life!

Life is a Miracle and a Mystery

 At the beginning of this year, I set an intention to bring more JOY back into my life. and to have more fun.
Some of you might know that 2018 was a fairly rocky year for me; (as I know it was for many of you too) but I'm a firm believer in letting the past teach me what I need to learn and pay attention to living in the present.                                                      
So, in January- I made the commitment to myself to see the miracles in the every day, take pleasure in the mundane world and stop living in my brain so much.
                                 How is that working out for me?  

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AFFIRMATIONS Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindfulness Motivation Newsletter Services


A recent talk at a local library-(see picture) led me to a fascinating discovery:

Humans are an interesting bunch.

Most of us spend many hours, many days and many years in thinking mode.

We think of what has happened to us, or what will happen.

The human brain ruminates, plots, plans, worries, and dreams up many “what if” scenarios. 

Wouldn’t you like to get to a point where you are running the show of what your brain thinks about? 

What if you were able to take a big step back from the mind chatter and to sort out what is important and what is distraction?  How would you feel about being able to make decisions from a clear and calm center? 

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Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery Motivation New Product PRODUCTS Self-Study Course Services


What a ride 2018 has been.

I don't know about you, but for me personally- it was one helluva _________ (insert your own imaginative word here)

Do you remember that carnival ride- the one that you sat strapped in- it flung you around, up and down and spun you around? I think it was called a "Tilt-A-Whirl"

That's what 2018  felt like for me.

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Conscious Eating- Mindful Ways to Navigate the Holiday Season

AFFIRMATIONS Divine Dining Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindful Eating Mindfulness Motivation Newsletter PRODUCTS Shop News The Divine Dining Method

Conscious Eating- Mindful Ways to Navigate the Holiday Season

“Be one with the food”…that is what I always tell my children, when they are shoveling their dinner.  Conscious eating is about  being completely aware of the act of eating. It is not the shoveling or mindless stuffing of one’s face.  When we are fully engaged in the process of eating- we can deeply experience the tastes, sensations, and aromas.  When you bring a Conscious Eating habit to your life; you’ll be kinder to your digestive system and you won’t overeat.  You’ll be in tune with your body and stop when full.  If you aren’t ready to make the whole transformation of your eating habits, then try it with a snack or  a light meal.  Food can become a spiritual experience, when it is approached from a mindful perspective. 

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