Mindfulness Meets Real Life — Divine Dining
Make Food Your Friend: Create a Happy and Healthy Relationship with Food...For Good!
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Divine Dining~ Conscious Eating Program Are you ready to transform the way you eat? Are you ready to try something radically different? Are you ready to release your struggles with food? You are invited to step into a wonderful relationship with food; and learn how to make healthy and positive choices....read on.... Early on in my career, I was immersed in the study of consciousness and how to train the mind. People would approach me and ask me to guide them in using Mindfulness as a tool; especially when it comes to food. Thus, I created Divine Dining in 2008...
5 Quickest Ways to Shift Your Relationship with Food
I’ve been teaching Divine Dining since 2008 and it has always been remarkable to me how some people have an intense love/hate relationship with food. When you think about it, we all need to eat to stay alive and to stay healthy. Sometimes our intentions don’t quite match up with our desires and there is where the problems lie. Let me explain. Our intention is to have a healthy body, yet we eat foods that are not healthy for us. While the reasons behind this can run very deep; it all comes down to following a few simple steps. ...
Every day is Giving Day
I’d never heard of “Giving Tuesday” until today.
Like you, I support many different charities and organizations to help the betterment of this planet. I do that when I feel the urge. Not on some specific day~ dreamed up by the marketing “gods.”