Overcoming Overwhelm

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"You can't do everything, but you can do anything,

ONE thing at a time."

 - Alex Mandossian 




Well, this has certainly been a whirlwind of a few weeks.


I taught two beautiful classes at the beautiful Lodge at Woodloch Spa

in Pennsylvania;


then I headed up to Syracuse to spend time with my daughter.

(It's beautiful here in upstate NY)


Pair all that with navigating some things for aging parents,

all the while trying to run my business and Coaching and Reiki practice and you have the recipe for overwhelm.


While most of my stuff is good and positive stuff,

(and I am very grateful for that)

there's a lot to deal with

and it seems to have come all at once.


But, I know I'm NOT alone.


It seems as if the Universe has handed many of us some tasks to take care of...tie up loose ends, put up some better boundaries,

and let go of certain things (and maybe people)

that have drained our energy.


Does this sound familiar?


If so, I encourage you to take a minute and bring your attention to the present moment.



This week, I'm going to share with you some ways

to help you overcome overwhelm.


Keep reading:



Are you looking for strategies to deal with life in a more heart centered way?


Does distraction, disruption, and disorder rule your day? 


What do you do when your mind is on over-drive and thoughts are bombarding you from every direction? 


Some people get that heart pounding, out-of-control feeling and don’t know what to do next.


Others go into avoidance mode and simply shut down. 


Whatever your typical response has been in the past, here are 3 ways to deal with overwhelm to re-train yourself and make more conscious choices. 


In my work as a Transformational Life Coach, I often help people to navigate the steps of dealing with the dreaded panic associated with overwhelm.  


So, what can you do when there is so much to do, in so little time?


Aside from the typical –take a deep breath- advice; what are some sound methods to deal with overwhelm?


We know that the feeling of overwhelm is situational, take a look at what area of your life you are feeling that intense pressure. 


Knowing these strategies can help you find relief and will give you the basic tools to take your next step.


The following 3 steps are based on a simple technique that I teach to my clients- and they report more relief and with practice it becomes more of a habit!





3 Simple Ways to deal with overwhelm –

otherwise known as 

“Get out of your Head and into your Heart":


Stop for a moment and close your eyes


Do an inner check in and ask:


  ✔1) What am I feeling? (Presence)


  ✔2) What do I want/need? (Prioritize)


  ✔3) What’s my next step? (Proceed)



Ask these questions quickly and allow the first answer to emerge without judging it. You may want to journal the answers first; or as you become more familiar with this technique, you will learn to go with your first responses. 


As you gain practice with this process, it will become a routine way to help lead you back to center and to live life more fully from your heart!



This week's journal prompts:


"What are the top 5 things stressing me out right now?"

"What can I let go of?"

"What can I delegate?"



This should be interesting!


 Would love to hear your thoughts!



If you were to take action today, can you imagine how your life will shift by the end of 2024?




 🙏 Everyone is going through something right now, so

I want to take a moment and send

all love and energy to your heart. 🙏


Wishing you a great week where you walk with

Power, Peace, Presence and Purpose!

love, cathie

💥PS: Try this 8 minute meditation! It's my free gift to you -

Click HERE===>8 Minute Meditation




PSS: Thank you all who have ordered my book! I'm asking again, if you haven't yet ordered it- please order (either kindle or paperback) and kindly leave a review!


Walk with Power, Peace, Presence and Purpose:



Now available at Amazon!

Order your copy HERE


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