
I Look With Wonder...

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“I look with wonder at that which I see before me.”

– Florence Scovell Shinn


This week has been interesting; fraught with delicate lessons of

miracles, tragedies and the dance of the human existence.


While I won't go into detail at this time;

suffice it to say I have a newfound appreciation of THIS life-


I'm grateful and appreciative for being alive!

Living, breathing, playing, dancing, crying, jumping, holding hands, hugging, honoring my friends and loved ones, accepting, being peaceful.




Yesterday, I had the delicious opportunity of playing the Singing Bowls at two different events.

One was a at a Senior Center and the other at a local Yoga Studio.


Although, both were great events-

Playing for the Seniors was especially poignant-


They loved the singing bowls and the meditation part; 

yet behaved like little kids once the director passed around smoothies and some other treats.


The director told me that that sometimes happens at that age-

we regress to being like kids, 


who wants the biggest piece of cake, 

who wants the walker with the straighter wheels, 

who wants to make sure they go first on the food line


We did have a great discussion afterward; and most of them shared

how they felt so relaxed and peaceful...




What I've learned from this week is to 

LOOK with Wonder at the world around me.


🌹 Things can change in an instant,


🌹 Miracles are everywhere,


🌹 We all just want to be loved and appreciated


🌹 Wrinkles and Gray hair are the gifts of aging


🌹 That inner peace is all of us


🌹 We can feel more than one emotion at the same time


🌹 Viewing the world with wonder, can be a wonderful thing


🌹 Gratitude for life is key


As we count down the last few weeks of summer, 

I encourage you to take a look around you

with wonder....




stay tuned for a new announcement in the coming weeks.

(I've got some cool things planned)

to kick off September! 



In the meantime,

Have a great week filled with LOVE, PEACE, JOY

and look around you with Wonder!




PS: Grab your f r e e Guide 6 Weeks to Optimal Wellness HERE


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