How To Find Your Peace---it's right here!

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"God has his plans and his reasons.

Sometimes we are supposed to go through things

so that we learn lessons."


~Dolly Parton



What's your relationship to PEACE?

Inner Peace, Peace of Mind?


I've been thinking a lot about how to stay peaceful

in the chaos of the world and how I maintain

my peaceful center.


That's not to say that I don't get thrown off,

because believe me, I DO!


But, I have learned over the many years of inner work

that it's all up to me.



Oh, I get it!


Sometimes it's not so easy-

but then I found this story I wrote

back in 2018...

Believe it or not, I wrote this back in 2018 (seems like a lifetime ago)

I broke my elbow (down at Sea Cliff Beach) had to have surgery and was pretty much out of commission for over a month. I learned to write and eat and brush my teeth as a right-hander (and I'm a lefty) well as learned to rely on others .

I wrote this blog post back then, but found it apropos for the times we're in.


Happily, I'm healed and grateful to be a left-hander again!




I had plans.... glorious plans...
Then I experienced the cosmic 2x4. That's my term for a course correction in life.
For me, it was a freaky fall, landing on my elbow, bruising a few ribs has set my plans on hold for now.
To be truthful, I've had some 'why me?' moments where I question the higher purpose. I've questioned what I could have done differently. Yet, the answer I get is "shit happens" and sometimes we don't know the higher purpose.
So, here I am...typing one-handed, trying to find a comfortable position; yet I remain eternally optimistic for my own healing journey. This time has forced me to be even more introspective than usual.
This is what I affectionately refer to as "Finding Peace in the Void." (cue the music).
Here are some things I've learned
~ You can't control everything; but you can control how you respond
~ It's OK to ask for help
~ You get to re-assess what's truly important
~ There's always a way forward
~ Things are always working out
~ Self love and Self care are TOP priority
~ A good sense of humor will take you far
~ Taking deep belly breaths feels wonderful
~ Focus on the Healthy body parts
~ Music Music Music
~ The Void is a chance to re-set and replenish (don't fight it)
~ Learn to appreciate everything and everyone
~ Count Your Blessings...even when it's tough
When you come out on the other side (and you will); you'll be wiser and stronger.
So much LOVE! ~cathie

Tell me your thoughts!




 Wishing you a great week where you walk with

Power, Peace, Presence and Purpose!

love, cathie


💥PS: Try this 8 minute meditation! It's my free gift to you -

Click HERE===>8 Minute Meditation


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