What a joy, to travel the way of the heart.” -Rumi
I love to travel! And, anything that helps me travel back to my own heart is the most exotic trip I can think of.
Yet sometimes, when I find that I put everything else ahead of my needs, I get sidelined and am forced to re-assess everything.
Has that ever happened to you? (I know it has!)
As many of you know, I am so passionate about helping people to re-connect with themselves that I am always gathering tools to help them. No doubt you've heard the saying, "We Teach what we need to hear." This has been especially true lately.
To keep it simple, here is a compilation of what I've been sharing with my clients:
It's easy to read these words, it's a bit harder to commit to doing the work. Make it a practice in your life to OPEN your heart just a bit more. Re-connect with the yearnings of what your heart wants and needs.
As always, I'm here to support you on this journey of Life! Leave your comments or share with your friends-
namaste, cathie
Check out our Purchase with a Purpose campaign for June! 20% of all proceeds donated to Mariska Hargitay's JOYFUL HEART Foundation!