Do You Believe in Angels?
Do you believe in Calling All Angels? Do you believe that they are available to help us and guide us? According to a recent CBS news poll, 8 out of 10 Americans believe in Angels. And, belief in Angels isn’t just among the religious folks, even non-church going people have a strong belief in their existence.
Since the beginning of time, man has been fascinated by the unseen forces of the Universe and the powers that lie beyond our realm of understanding. Philosophers, Authors, Painters and others who have studied the mysteries of esoteric thoughts have tried to capture the essence of these “Divine Agents.”
According to, H.K. Challoner, an English artist and esoteric philosopher: “Angels are not only vitally involved in the ordering of our destiny, but are the wielders of mighty spiritual of mighty spiritual forces employed in the very building and sustaining of the Cosmos itself. Indeed, they are ever ready to aid and give to the individual according to the measure of his(/her) receptivity. The Angels dwell in a realm of ecstatic beauty and love, a realm of music visible in glittering, transient shapes, of colour audible in waves of exquisite sound; of perpetually whirling atoms of matter, changing, coalescing, separating in response to the propulsions of the creative energy which the Angels live solely to express.”
What a powerful and inspiring essay. Whatever your own personal beliefs, it is inspiring to give and to receive a gift of an Angel! Our beautiful hand-carved stone Angels make lovely gifts as a way to stay connected to these unseen helpers. Our human trait of connecting with higher wisdom with faith has helped sustain many through the trials and tribulations of our history. Can we not see the connection and make a more conscious choice to ask for help and guidance when needed? Whether you connect with your Guardian Angel, the Archangels, or maybe you know an Earth Angel (a human that has helped you through an intense time); Angels are there to help us and to guide us~ All we need to do is Call on the Angels!