Meditation IS good for you- Here’s Why


Meditation IS good for you-

Here’s Why

Sometimes in life we just can’t ignore the obvious anymore. Sometimes, we just have to look at the truth about what is possible in helping, healing and changing our lives for the better. Even when we know something is good for us, we tend to put it to the side until something inspires us to make positive changes.  My many years of helping people to live more fully from their heart has brought me to this conclusion:


Meditation IS good for you! And, now, the world of Science is backing up that statement.

As the daughter of a scientist, I love to read about how science is validating how Meditation can be good for you. So, when I came across this interesting and informative piece, I was inspired to share it will you:


“7 Scientific Reasons Why Meditation is Good For You” by


Here are the 7 Reasons Why Meditation is Good For You:


  1. Reduces Stress
  2. Allows You to Focus on What’s Most Important
  3. Helps Build Better Relationships
  4. Boosts Your Immune System
  5. Improves Brain Health
  6. Helps You to Be Kinder to Yourself
  7. Reduces or Eradicates Depression


Every week for over a decade I have been leading a Mediation Group and we are always accepting new members…come join me to learn more.

click here to learn more

love, cathie

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