March 2014 Newsletter


“Take time out to pause, reflect and re-connect.”


So many people just want to live simpler, more peaceful lives. They are no longer fulfilled by empty consumerism. They want to live naturally and feel the pull back into simple things. We know that life isn’t about satisfying the ego and having more.

When you set your intention to align with your higher purpose, things seem to fall in to place. Sometimes, we get swept up on the current of forward movement without the time to engage the mind. When you remain in the space of your heart and know that the swirling chaos that is going on around you is external- you can begin to let go of the attachments. Begin to drop your thought patterns and this is where you can begin to refine what it is that you seek. By refining the things in your life that no longer fit, you can be sure that deep cleansing is on hand. This is sometimes uncomfortable as we go through the void, but it can be very freeing.

Simply put, take a look at what isn’t working in your life. If you are unhappy in a job, relationship or other situation, it is time to re-evaluate. Letting go of anything that is not true to your heart can be difficult, and may not make any rational sense. Much as we are releasing aspects of ourselves that no longer fit, we are asked to do the same in our external world. Purging of old patterning, like not speaking our truth is a beautiful thing. Purging of outworn clothing and belongings is a very cathartic process. Continuing with this same process, we turn to our outer world.

I am amazed and overjoyed to work with people who have gone beyond what they thought was possible in their lives and have made strides toward healing themselves.

Yours, In loving Truth
~ cathy

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