Mindfulness Meets Real Life
Newsletter! – October 2015 News
Once upon a time, there was a woman who wanted to follow her dreams~
She wanted to make a difference in the world and share her gifts with others.
She opened a tiny store in a quaint little town called Sea Cliff – where she shared her passion for gems and crystals and working with energy. “They” laughed, and said she’d never make it….
October 2014 Newsletter
“Bring me a higher LOVE” ~ Steve Winwood
The planet is rockin’ and rollin’ and we are riding the waves. Feeling the emotional intensity of it all without drowning is the only course of action. Last month I asked the question, “how do we transcend the emotions?”- and the answer came as “we feel them fully.” Imagine you are standing on a surfboard- with arms outstretched, trying to maintain your balance. You are skimming through the waves, on top of the board and riding free. Then, along comes a wave and knocks you into the water. You go under for a second or two, and then you pull yourself back up, on the board and ride the waves again. This is what the current energies feel like to a lot of people, and we are all trying to maintain our balance. It seems as though everyone is feeling the intense pitch.
What to do?
The Fire in Your Heart!
“The time has come to turn your heart into a temple of fire.” ~Rumi
The Fire in your Heart!
This life isn’t about accumulating “stuff,” it is about releasing (or burning off) all the things that hold you back from your true nature. It is the paradox of this life that it takes time to be what we already are.
Rivers of Change
Make Time to Take Time
“A great silent space holds all of nature in its embrace. It also holds you.” –Eckhart Tolle
My business is my passion and I love to help people to live more fully from their hearts!