Mindfulness Meets Real Life — Mindfulness

My Unexpected Houseguest đź‘€

AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindful Eating Mindfulness Motivation New Product Newsletter PRODUCTS Purchase with a Purpose Self-Study Course Services Shop News

My Unexpected Houseguest đź‘€

No one is so brave that he is not disturbed by something unexpected.” - Julius Caesar    I don't know if Julius really said that-  but I had a few "not so brave" moments this week.  It was small, it was furry- and maybe if not on my kitchen counter it would have been cute....but......👀 I was not prepared.   So, I screamed bloody murder; jumped up on a chair wielding a broom- JUST LIKE in the cartoons!   I've been brave many times in my life, as I'm sure you have, but this was NOT one of my finer...

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What Would Your Life Be Like?

AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindfulness Motivation New Product Newsletter PRODUCTS Self-Study Course Services Shop News

What Would Your Life Be Like?

Take a moment to ask yourself this question:  "What would my life be like if I were more peaceful, calmer and more present?" I was thinking this morning about finding ways of helping as many people as possible- and I received this INSIGHT like a flash! Reading your comments, suggestions and requests, decided to send this quick email with some simple ways to work with me! Since I like "easy,"- and I'm sure you do too- I couldn’t wait to share with you. In fact, it could help you feel more peaceful immediately! If you've been feeling a bit out of sorts, and...

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Imagine This Scenario

AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery Meditations Mindfulness Motivation New Product Newsletter PRODUCTS Self-Study Course Services Shop News

Imagine This Scenario

"What would it mean to fulfill my destiny?"  Ask yourself that question and see what emerges. Don't overthink it...just see what comes up for you. Then there is nothing to do so much as something to embrace. To say "yes" to. To know that the programming for doing and becoming that thing already lies within you, no different than the architecture for the oak tree lies within the acorn. The blueprint is already there; what you bring to the process is a continuous attitude of "yes." ~Marianne Williamson     Can you imagine?   🌹A world where we all live...

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I DID a Thing (Outside my comfort zone)

AFFIRMATIONS Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindfulness Motivation New Product Newsletter PRODUCTS Self-Study Course Services Shop News

I DID a Thing (Outside my comfort zone)

"I am where I need to be and I am headed where I need to go. Those that are meant to be on this journey with me are freely choosing to be here because they want to be here. For that, I am truly grateful.” ~ Shawn Fontaine     Happy JUNE!     This is going to be a quickie-    "I did a thing"- it was way out of my comfort zone.     I actually did a LIVE FB!    It might not sound like a lot to you- there are many people who are extroverts and have no...

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June 2022- The Myth of "Balanced Living"

AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindfulness Motivation New Product Newsletter PRODUCTS Self-Study Course Services Shop News

June 2022- The Myth of "Balanced Living"

“Wellness is a proactive approach to our physical, social, emotional and mental health" ~ unknown 🌷🌹🌻 Welcome to JUNE 2022! Did you know there is a myth to "balanced living?" Somewhere, many of us have gotten the idea that we need to be peaceful all the time, have clean homes, perfect children, fit bodies and an active social calendar.... Where in the world did we get that idea from? SOCIAL MEDIA, Glossy magazines, and TV Don't get me wrong, I'm all for living a balanced life, but what does that look like for a real person like you and me? It MEANS being...

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