Mindfulness Meets Real Life — INSPIRATIONS
World Angel Summit~ Hay House

Dear Living Lotus Group Family! I’m so excited to share with you that at the team at Hay House, along with Doreen Virtue, are releasing something very special --- the first-ever World Angel Summit. It is FREE for you to listen to online from February 22 - February 28. All you have to do is sign up by following this link. Hay House also has an inspiring bonus video for you to watch before the Summit begins. In it, Doreen shares her personal story and manifesting process. Sign up now Many of you have experienced the power of angels and...
Make Peace with Where You Are

“Make Peace with Where you are” I "heard" these words while driving one day. And, as I allowed the words to settle through me, I realized that when you incorporate this truth- all struggles will cease. Yes, they will cease. No matter what curveballs will be thrown your way, no matter who acts in a way you don’t like, no matter what the outside world looks like- you can ride through the storm of life when you are at peace with where you are in this moment- Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live in a way where you are at...
AWAKEN to the Gifts of the Heart

GIFTS OF THE HEART Our primary purpose in this lifetime is to awaken to our true divine selves- and to live heart centered lives. We will explore the "Gifts of the Heart" and know that it is our truth to live all of these gifts. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE GIFTS OF THE HEART KIT Begin with LOVE. The Gifts of the Heart are: 1) KINDNESS 2) COMPASSION 3) GRATITUDE 4) FORGIVENESS 5) JOY Let us begin with Kindness. Bringing more light into our lives in small but significant ways can help to open and expand the heart. Being kind, not...
Why I Do what I DO!
Giving Back GRATITUDE INSPIRATIONS life coaching Services

One of the best things about Life Coaching is that I get to work with some amazing people! What inspires me most is when people make an investment to work with me; something switches on for them and they are completely committed to making whatever changes are needed. Usually, within the first week, there is a dramatic difference. And, know this: It's not me. It's them. The job of the Life Coach is not to tell the client what to do; but it is to ask the right questions so they can access the answers themselves. My clients will always...
Mission Accomplished!

For those of you who have been following me and my work for a while; I'm pleased to announce that it's finally HERE!.... What? You ask? The first published CD recording of the duet with mother and son. (Read on) You might know that one of my passions has been Sound Healing and I've been playing the Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls for many years. It's been my intention to capture the magical sounds of Cello and the Singing bowls and to be able to share this work with the world! It's finally here! It's been 5...